




Featured Projects 👨🏻‍💻

Pipeline Maturity Scanner - Harness

Pipeline Maturity Scanner - Harness
Pipeline Maturity Scanner is a tool for analyzing Harness pipelines. It features a Next.js and TypeScript frontend with ShadCN UI, and an Express.js backend. The tool scans all pipelines across organizations and projects to ensure compliance with configurable rules, such as continuous verification, unit tests, and security scans. Results are displayed on a dashboard with scorecards, showing overall scores for each organization. Users can drill down into projects for detailed scores and view pipeline YAML files.
#Next.js#TyepScript#Shadcn UI#Express.js#Harness

SQL Editor

SQL Editor
SQL Editor aims to provide users with a seamless and user-friendly platform for executing SQL queries, displaying query results with pagination, offering search functionality, maintaining a query history log, and supporting the export of results in CSV or JSON formats. The application will also showcase the execution time of queries and provide a list of available tables in the sidebar for easy reference.
#React#Material UI#React Ace

NITRUtsav NIT Rourkela

NITRUtsav NIT Rourkela
NITRUtsav is the literary and cultural festival of NIT Rourkela. Spearheaded a developer team to create a highly interactive website for the cultural fest of NIT Rourkela which had close to 1 million hits. Developed the frontend using React, TypeScript, Styled Components, and Twin Macro whereas used Express, TypeScript, GraphQL, Prisma, & MongoDB for the backend & then deployed it on Digital Ocean.
#Next#TypeScript#GraphQL#Tailwind CSS

HackNITR Hackathon

HackNITR Hackathon
HackNITR is one of the largest student-run hackathons in the eastern India. I lead the technical team and developed the official HackNITR hackathon website with a focus on high performance, responsiveness, and SEO.

Kaagaz by D361

Kaagaz by D361
Implemented a highly scalable frontend for the official magazine of NIT Rourkela along with a custom markdown parser. Incorporated blog, progressive web app (PWA) & animation features for a seamless experience using Next.js, TypeScript, Styled Components, integrated Google Analytics, and deployed it on Vercel.
#Next.js#TypeScript#Emotion#PWA#Google Analytics

Profile Frame Generator

Profile Frame Generator
Built a Digital Profile Frame Generator using React, typeScript, Material UI and plain CSS where one can customize and download their frame. The user can add text, crop image, filter to their frame and download.
#React#TypeScript#CSS#Material UI

Kafka Streamer

Kafka Streamer
Kafka Streamer is a microservice that uses Kafka to listens to an event involving order creation and then insert the product orders to a Postgres database. The database operations are carried out using a DB sink connector which reads product_orders topic and writes the data to a table called orders in Postgres DB.

Mini Node Exporter

Mini Node Exporter
Mini Node Exporter is a simpler form of the famous node-exporter project of the Prometheus organization. It is basically a type of monitoring stack and an exporter for hardware and OS metrics that are exposed by the prom-client. It is built with Express, Prometheus, Grafana.
#Express#Prometheus#Grafana#Docker#Docker Compose

Weather Forecasting Site

Weather Forecasting Site
Built a completely dynamic weather forecasting site using OpenWeather API and Leaflet, as a part of the MLH Prep Program. Here, the user can search for weather condition of any place of the world and can see hourly and weekly forecasts.
#JavaScript#React#OpenWeather API#MUI#Leaflet

Pet Projects


FoodVerse is a cross platform food delivvery app built using React Native. Using this app, the user can check the restaurants and the dishes they offer, can order items, track the progress of their delivery.

HackNITR 2.0

Built the website for HackNITR 2.0 Hackathon using Next.js, Styled Components, Theme Ui and Hackclub theme. Deployed the website in vercel.

Portfolio Site v1

Built the first version of my portfolio website using Next.js, TypeScript, Emotion and deployed it on Vercel.

Project Osha

OSHA is a one stop solution for all these problems. You can signup on our webapp as a doctor or a patient. While on the signup page, you can locate nearby hospitals and pharmaceuticals in emergency and make an emergency call as well.

Football Store

Amazon like E-Commerce site built using React, Material UI, Context API, Stripe API and Firebase. It uses Firestore to track cart details, Firebase Hosting and Cloud Functions for Stripe payments.

Restaurant Admin Panel

Admin Panel for the employees of a restaurant using React, Material UI, Express.js, and MongoDB. You can add orders, get realtime notifications, see status of dishes




